The Six of Swords

The Six of Swords

In The Millennium Thoth Tarot Created by Renata Lechner

Interpreted by Marv Machura

The Five-Card Pentagram Tarot

     We see six swords coming together in a dramatic pinpoint exactly in the center of this card. The pinpoint where these swords meet and where their sharp points touch is covered by a small red gemstone. This arrangement makes the sword tips appear to be flat or blunted at their ends. The red gem glowing at the center of arrangement is representative of the general meaning of this card: happiness, peace, protection and passion are all on the horizon.

     These wonderful things are not only on the horizon, they are also here with force and purpose. This additional meaning comes from the arrangement of the swords that compellingly draws our attention to this red gem. This is an image of how the Universe has collected its energies on these aforenoted aspects of our life. As a result, our mind should feel robust confidence and certitude in our decisions and direction. It is not a time for indecision or deep contemplation of the elemental dichotomy and mystery of life.

     This is a time to make a choice and go forward with it; it will change our life for the better. We are ready for it. Not all changes and decisions that we make work out for us. Often this is because we are not ready for the changes or decisions; for example, if we are not ready to change our job or go back to school, the move to a new career or school will likely end in failure. However, the 6 of Swords is a card providing the assurance that we are ready. Success, achievement, and contentment are near and favourable.

     Although all six swords are similar, each of their hilts has a slightly different hue. This is symbolic of how there are various shades of meaning and purpose in everything that we do, think, or say. It reminds us that regardless of our certitude, the Universe is never singular or even plural. The Universe, and our fate within it, is always multifaceted and complex and far beyond our puny efforts to understand and know anything with absolute certainty. As Socrates says, “The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing.”

     Under the aim and direction of the six sword points and under the red gem is a pink rose blossom. This is the wild pink rose blossom that is associated with Aphrodite and everlasting love. It is also the rose that Romans used to symbolize secrets that will never be shared. The expression “sub rosa” literally means under the rose. In those times the wild pink rose was placed in meeting areas to ensure secrecy and honesty.

     These two meanings are not so far apart, especially with this card. This pink rose represents the eternal and pure intentions that reach into our passions and our intellect in a kind of glorious marriage. This is reminiscent of the marriage between Psyche and Eros (later changed to Cupid in more recent retellings) which is symbolic of the union of heart and mind or passion and reason. This is a time when good and long‑lasting things happen, just like a real marriage when both our heads and hearts are equally combined rather than just one of these two, often opposing elements, are dominate.

     In the Greek marriage of Eros and Psyche, the Three Graces spread wild rose petals everywhere and it is said that the Earth was aglow with pink for days in celebration of this union. This rose is also associated with springtime since early spring is when these roses bloom often turning the landscape various shades of this delicate pink reminiscent of this ancient story. This single rose blossom that we see in the center of this card is thus an appropriate symbol of auspicious beginnings as well as balance between our hearts and our heads as we go forward with a fresh and favourable direction.

     Surrounding the central point in this card, and in perfect symmetry, are a circle, square, and unicursal hexagram. It is a beautiful rendering of sacred geometry that fits in flawlessly with the six swords presented and positioned where they are.

     This symmetry and geometry have long been associated with the perfection and holiness of creation. We humans strive to create and build mimicking the Universe’s divine geometry. As such and as presented on this card, it reinforces the general meaning that our own plans and intentions are in harmony with higher powers of formation and purpose. And this a good thing. When our lives, creations, and buildings stray from the orderly, pleasing, and natural geometry of the Universe, problems result.

     The unicursal hexagram is an ancient symbol of humankind’s union with the Universe. It can be drawn without taking our pen off the paper, hence its classification of being unicursal. As such, the action of drawing this shape is spiritual and auspicious. This is like drawing the more common and easier‑to‑draw unicursal five‑pointed pentagram which all children love to draw.

     This enjoyment of drawing a unicursal pentagram is not accidental. There is something good and magical in the action of drawing such shapes. Underlying this nearly subconscious pleasure is the creative energy and continuum of time and space. It connects us in a small way to the mostly incomprehensible, incredible, and ever‑lasting continuum in which we live and which has no beginning point and no end point like a unicursal drawing.

     Within the large circle are a multitude of spiral patterns showing more complex sacred geometry faintly in the background. This sacred background reinforces the meaning of the foreground and assures us that our most simple actions and words are in fact underpinned by a kind of beautiful complexity that has no beginning or end yet is purposeful and driven towards ever higher order, beauty, and perfection.

     Perhaps the modern Muslim faith manifests this aspect of the Universe most completely in their sacred decoration of mosques, but all spiritual leaning and longing indulges in this, as seen also in the Celtic tradition.

     The symbol of Mercury appears on the top of this card in eye-catching yellow. Mercury represents communication. Yellow represents honesty, directness, and goodness. Thus, the yellow Mercury is there on top to assure that clear, persuasive thinking and communication will be the order of the day. This reinforces the auspicious spiritual and intellectual changes are forthcoming. And with the addition of the winged messenger Mercury, we can also be assured that these forthcoming changes will be here soon!

     At the bottom of this card, and in a gentle blue colour, is the symbol for Pisces. This symbol represents the deep, intuitive subconscious level of vibration that is supporting and underpinning the surface changes. We should be trusting the deep diver of Pisces and attempting to feel its influence on the surface of our lives. When we move with these deep vibrations of truth and certitude, we know that we are doing things that are good and noble even in the smallest of things, but at times like these, this vibration is much more noticeable in the bigger moves and new directions and new projects in which this card is encouraging us forward.

     The number 6, itself, is an overall positive number. Sometimes it is there to encourage positive change that is needed, and indeed, this is part of its meaning in this card. But more so, is the number 6’s characteristic meaning of half-way to fulfilment. It is a number that is saying, here you go; you are on the right path; hold your course; good things will come soon, and even better things as you travel onward. Trust your intuition and your selfless service to the greater good.

      It is about you, but it is about you and your talents, energies, and work that are chosen for you and their use in a much bigger divine purpose. Do not get selfish; stay humble, stay active, be grateful. Stay in the sacred geometry of your path forward. Embrace your role, your supports, your spiritual sense as the divine child of the Universe that you are!