“You are a child of the Universe; like the earth and the stars, you have a right to be here.” – Max Ehrmann.
Marv Machura
Marv Machura is a psychic and author of a popular self-help book on the Tarot: The Five-Card Pentagram Tarot.
Marv Machura gives timely, psychic help with emotions/love/relationships; career/money/possessions; mind, spirit, and health/energy. He answers questions and advises on metaphysics such as crystals, candles, sensual magic/attraction, past lives, dreams, spells, cleansing, practises, transcendence, etc.
Marv Machura has been featured on many podcasts and other news sources; he also has toured with national and local psychic fairs. He has given online psychic readings and advice to people all over the world.
He currently lives in Vernon, British Columbia and travels throughout the Okanagan and Thomson Valleys providing in-person psychic readings for individuals and groups who live within this geographic area.